
How to Invest in Your 5-Year Older Self

We’ve heard the common question, “Where do you want to be in 5 years?” How have you answered it?

“I want to have $___ in the bank.”

“I want to be working for ___company.”

“I want to be retired, own a house, volunteer more …” You get the idea.

Have you ever thought about how you want to be moving your body in 5-10 years? What are you doing today to invest in your 5-10 year future self? What you do today is changing you for tomorrow.

Our human bodies are meant to move in all different ways and on all kinds of terrain. During most days, we are indoors, walking on flat, smooth surfaces, wearing cushioned and supportive shoes, and sitting while looking at screens.

I challenge you to get outside and walk barefoot in the grass or sand (it will help ground you and calm you too). Sit on the floor or on a low surface. Lift heavy weights at least twice a week. Climb up things higher than a step, balance on downed trees, duck under things, step over things, reach high for things. Place daily use items in your kitchen so you are reaching and squatting down more. Jump and move fast - sprint if you can. Change direction fast. Doesn’t it sound like being a kid again?

Think of movement like we do food. If your days are packed, get some movement “snacks” throughout the day. Skip from one room to the next. Side shuffle to your kitchen. Squat down to pick something up and stay there for a moment.

All of these fun ways for us to play can be done at home or in your neighborhood. If you are in our area, we have Outdoor Classes and private training. Follow us on Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook for exercise videos and tips.

Written by Kristina Cagno, MA Exercise Science

©2023 Cagno Fitness LLC

Small Goals with Big Gains

On days when time it tight, instead of doing nothing, which is the easiest choice (and I would be lying if I tell you I’ve never done that), pick three exercises . Just rotate between these three exercises for 8-12 repetitions each and repeat 1 or 2 more times. Here’s an example…

  1. Upper body push - do push ups, from a wall, counter, bench or floor.

  2. Upper body pull - get a pull up bar or find a good tree branch. Do a modified (feet on ground) or full chin up.

3. Lower body hip focus - Deadlift - lift a heavy object off the ground and lower it back

Another example

  1. Lower body knee focus - Squat - chair squats, goblet squat or split squat

  2. Core - plank for time

  3. Upper body push - overhead press

Written by Kristina Cagno, M.A.

©2023 Cagno Fitness LLC

Fast Breakfast in a Glass


Anytime there’s a pint of blueberries in our house, the container is empty in no time. Strawberries and raspberries don’t last long either. When my boys were younger, our summer hikes were for the sole purpose of “hunting” wild raspberries. Little did they know these bountiful fruits were helping their most important organs.

Research shows berries, especially blueberries, give your brain a cognitive boost to get through mentally taxing days. Have an important presentation or kids have a test? Eat some blueberries. They are also rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals which are heart healthy.

Add them to yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, baked goods or eat them straight.

Here’s what we typically put in a Protein Berry Morning Shake

  1. Frozen mixed berries, frozen blueberries - 1 cup or more

  2. Yogurt, 1/2 - 1 cup

  3. Protein powder

  4. Cashews, handful (optional, adds protein and magnesium and a creamy flavor)

  5. Banana, 1/2 to a whole banana depending on sweetness (tip - we store overripe ones in freezer)

  6. Greens of choice (optional - spinach, kale, collards)

Add water to cover contents in the blender, add more if too thick. Blend and drink. You can store any extra in mason jars in fridge.

Written by Kristina Cagno, M.A.

©2021 Cagno Fitness LLC


Mixed Berries and Cognitive Function

Blueberries and Cardiovascular Disease